Estem al Principat d'Andorra
We are in Andorra
L'Anglada d'Ordino
buy signature wines from your home
vins d’autor a la porta de casa teva
Varietats: 90% Garnatxa Grisa 10% Garnatxa Blanca
Grape Varieties: 90% Grey Grenache, 10% White Grenache
Aquest Cotlliure blanc us sorprendrà per la seva frescor i afruitat. serà perfecte per al teu aperitiu d'estiu o simplement acompanyat d'un peix.
This Collioure blanc will surprise you with its freshness and fruitiness. it will be perfect for your summer aperitif or just accompanied by a fish.
Verema manual en galleda de 20Kg, verema intervenint en la maduresa del raïm, afavorint la conservació de l'acidesa natural i la maduresa aromàtica. Pressió suau. Aclariment estàtic. Fermentació en dipòsits d'acer inoxidable a temperatura controlada i per llevat autòcton. Deu mesos de cria en tines d'acer de mares.
Handpicking in a grape bucket of 20Kg, harvesting interventing at maturity of the grapes, favoring the preservation of the natural acidity and aromatic maturity. Gentle pressing. Static clarification. Fermentation in stainless steel vats at controlled temperature and by native yeast. Ten Months of breeding on lees steel vats.
This wine is pleasant on the palate and develops in the nose with the subtle aromas of white flowers and garrigue. The mineral character of the grey grenache marks the mouth. Naturally bright, this white wine affirms its marine character through iodized notes and a delicate finish.
By its freshness and vivacity, this wine will adapt wonderfully with grilled fish (sea ream, redd mullet, ...) and seafood platter, a nice contrast on the tapas.
Cèlia Almiral
Call her at +376 367 055 for any help or recommendation. We speak English, French, German, Spanish and Catalan. We are here Monday thru Friday from 9:30am to 6 pm.
Truca-la al +376 367 055 per a qualsevol ajuda o recomanació. Parlem anglès, francès, alemany, espanyol i català. Estem aquí de dilluns a divendres de 9:30h a 18h.
Appelez-la au +376 367 055 pour toute aide ou recommandation. Nous parlons anglais, français, allemand, espagnol et catalan. Nous sommes ici du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 18h.
Estem al Principat d'Andorra
We are in Andorra